Mass communication: living in a media world. / COMM 1307: Introduction to mass communication Ralph E. Hanson - 4th ed. Custom edition: San Antonio College & North West Vista College - London: SAGE, 2014. - xx, 426 p.; ill.:
Includes index, references, glossary and appendix
Contents: 1. Introduction to the media: Living in a media world -- Mass communication effects: how society and media interact -- 2. Print media: The media business: consolidation, globalization, and the long tail -- Books: the birth of the mass media -- Magazines: the power of words and images -- 3. Electronic media: Newspapers and the news: reflection of a democratic society -- Audio: music and talk across media -- Movies: mass producing entertainment -- Television: broadcast and beyond -- 4. Strategic communication: The internet: mass communication gets personal -- Advertising: selling a message: 5. Regulation and control of the media: Public relations: interactions, relationships and the news -- Media law: free speech and fairness -- Media ethics: truthfulness, fairness and standards of decency -- Global media: communication around the world --
Mass communcation