Atuguba, Raymond Akongburo

The new constitutional and administrative law of Ghana: from the garden of eden to 2022. / Raymond Akongburo Atuguba. - Accra: Typewell Ventures, 2015. - lv, 843 p. : 21 cm.

Contents: Introduction: General introduction -- Basic concepts in the constitutional and administrative law of Ghana -- Constitutional history of Ghana -- The laws of Ghana: Statutory laws -- Common law, equity and customary law -- International law applicable in Ghana -- Other sources of law in Ghana -- Forms of government: The executive -- The public services -- The legislature -- The judiciary -- Independent constitutional bodies -- Other constitutional bodies -- Other bodies that implement constitutional provisions -- Decentralisation and local government -- Commissions of inquiry -- Citizenship, human rights and administrative justice: Citizenship -- Fundamental human rights and freedoms -- Economic, social and cultural rights and the right to development -- The enforcement of fundamental human rights and freedoms -- Administrative justice -- Discretionary powers -- Control of judicial and quash-judicial processes -- Judicial remedies in public law -- Proceedings against the state -- Lands, natural resources and traditional authority: lands and natural resources -- Chieftaincy and traditional authority -- Amending the constitution and miscellaneous matters: Amending the constitution -- Miscellaneous matters --


Consitutional and administrative law of Ghana.
