Encyclopedia of human biology. / Edited by Renato Dulbecco - London: Academic Press, 1991. - ix, 903 p.: ill. :

Vol. 6 : Pi - Se A set of 8 volumes

Contents: How to use the Encyclopedia -- Pineal body -- Pitutary -- Plasma lipoproteins -- Plasticity, nervous system -- Platelet-activating factor -- Platelet receptors -- Polarized epithelial cells -- Polyamine metabolism --Polymorphism of the aging immune system -- Polymorphism, genes -- Polypeptide hormones -- Population differentiation -- Population genetics -- Porphyrins and bile pigments, metabolism -- Pregnancy, nausea and vomiting -- Primate behvioral ecology -- Primates -- Problem solving -- Procrastination -- Priopriocptive reflexes -- Propriocepters and proprioception -- Prostrate cancer -- Protein posphorylation -- Proteins -- Proteins (Nutrition) -- Protein targeting -- Proteoglycans -- Protezoal infections, human -- Pseudoautosomal region of the sex xhromosomes -- Psychoanalytic theory -- Psychoneuroimmunology -- Puberty -- Pulmonary circulation, -- Pulmonary pathophysiology -- Pulsed field gel electrophoresis -- Purine and pyrimidine metabolism -- Quinones -- Radiation, biological effects -- Radiation in space -- Radiation in space -- Radiation interaction properties of body issues -- Radiobiology -- Radioimmunoassay -- Radiosensitivity of the integumentary system --Radiosensivity of the small and large intestines -- Reading processes and comprehension -- Reasoning and natural selection -- Receptor molecules, fertilization -- Receptors, biochemistry -- Recombinant DNA technology -- Red cell calcium -- Red cell membrane -- Repair of damaged DNA -- Reproductive processes, neurochemical conatrol -- Reproductive system, anatomy -- Respiration, comparative physiology -- Respiratory burst -- Respiratory system,anatomy -- Respiration system, physiology and biochemistry -- Reticuloendothelial system - Retina -- Retinoblastoma, molecular genetics -- Retroviral vaccines -- Retroviruses as vectors for gene transfer -- Ribonecleases, metabolic involvement -- Ribosomes -- RNA replication -- Salivary glands and saliva -- Salmonela -- Salt preferences in humans -- Satiating power of food --Scanning electron microscopy -- Scanning optical microscopy-- Schizophrenia, psychosocial treatment -- Schizophrenic disorders -- Seizure generation, subcortical mechanism -- Selenium in nutrition -- self-monitoring -- Sensations-seeking traits -- Sensory-motory behavioral organization and changes in infancy -- Serotonin in the nervous system -- Sex differences, biological -- Sex differences, biocultural -- Sex differences, psychological -- Sexual behavior, human --Sexuality: anthropological ad evolutionary perspectives -- Sexually transmitted diseases (Public health)

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