Berg, Jeremy M.

Biochemistry. / Jeremy M. Berg, John, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer - 5th ed. - New York: W.H. Freeman, 2002. - xvii, 974 p + various pagings: ill. (col); 28cm.

Includes index.

Contents: Part I: The molecular design of life: Prelude -- Biochemical evolution -- Protein structure -- Exploring proteins -- RNA, DNA and the flow of genetic information -- Exploring genes -- Exploring evolution -- Enzymes -- Catalytic strategies -- Regulatory strategies -- Carbohydrates -- Lipids and cell membranes -- Membrane channels and pumps Part II: Transducing and storing energy: Metabolism -- Signal-transduction pathways -- Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis -- The citric acid cycle -- Oxidation phosphorylation -- The light reactions of photosynthesis -- The calvin cycle and the pentose phosphate pathway -- Glycogen metabolism -- Fatty acid metabolism -- Protein turnover and amino acid catabolism -- Part III: Synthesizing the molecules of life: The biosynthesis of amino acids -- Nucleotide biosynthesis -- The biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids -- DNA replication, recombination, and repair -- RNA synthesis and splicing -- Protein synthesis -- The integration of metabolism -- The control of gene expression -- Part IV: Responding to environmental changes: Sensory systems -- The immune system -- Molecular motors --

