Vander, Arthur

Human physiology : the mechanisms of body function. / Arthur Vander, James Sherman and Dorothy Luciano - 8th ed. - Boston: McGra-Hill, 2001. - xxxvii, 800 p. : col. ill. ; 29 cm.

Includes answers, glossary, and index.

Contents: A framework for human physiology Part One Basic cell functions: Chemical composition of the body -- Cell structure -- Protein activity and cellular metabolism --Genetic information and protein synthesis -- Movement of molecules across cell membranes -- Part Two Biological control systems: Homeostastic mechanisms ad cellular communication -- Neural control mechanisms -- The sensory systems -- Principles of hormonal control systems -- Muscle -- Control of body movement -- Consciousness and behavior -- Part Three Coordinated body functions: Circulation -- Respiration -- The kidneys and regulation of water and inorganic ions -- The digestion and absorption of food -- Regulation of organic metabolism, growth, and energy balance -- Reproduction -- Defense mechanisms of the body --


Human physiology.
