Ahwireng-Obeng, Frederica

At a glance!: the A.B.C. of administrative law and administrative justice in Ghana. / - Accra: Typewell Ventures, 2015. - iv, 212p. : 21 cm.

Contents: Introduction -- Definition of administrative -- Scope of administrative law -- Objectives of administrative law -- Administrative bodies and officials -- Article 58(1) -- Article 58(2) -- Article 125(3) -- Examples of administrative bodies -- Administrative law v constitutional law -- Administrative justice -- Article 23 -- How to exercise discretion -- Article 296 -- Rules of natural justice -- Definition -- Audi Alteram Partem -- Finality clauses -- The right to be heard -- Queries -- The courts and the rule -- Article 19 1 -- Article 19(2) -- Article 19(13) -- Article 132 -- Exceptions to the rule -- Formal trial not required at all times -- Article 12(2) -- Public interest -- National security -- Justifiable non-compliance -- Where purpose will be defeated -- Non-disclosure of information -- Practicalities -- Written submissions -- Nemo Judex rule -- Definition -- Proof of bias -- Degree of suspicion -- Types of bias -- Pecuniary interest -- Interest in case -- Previous involvement -- Friendship and animosity --Expression of opinion -- Exceptions to the rule -- No substitute -- Delegated legislation -- Definition -- Examples of delegated legislation -- Delegatus non protest delegare -- Justification for delegated legislation -- Efficiency -- Lack of time -- Emergencies -- Lack of review -- Law made by non-parliamentarians -- Lack of adequate control -- Judicial review -- Infringement on separation of powers doctrine -- Less satisfactory drafting -- Judicial review -- Definition -- Characteristics -- Personal interest judicial review -- Time to apply -- Judicial reviews v appeals -- Ultra vires -- Grounds for judicial review -- Failure to comply with procedural requirements -- Exceeding powers -- Using power for the wrong purpose -- Exercising power at the wrong time -- Relevant and irrelevant factors -- Failure to comply with rules of natural justice -- Improper motive -- Error of law -- Error of fact -- Onerous conditions -- Acting in bad faith -- Fettering discretion -- Unauthorized discretion -- Subdelegatio of judicial and disciplinary powers -- Illegality, irrationality, procedural impropriety -- Illegality -- Irrationality -- Procedural impropriety -- Remedies -- Article 33 -- Habeas corpus -- Certiorari -- Prohibition -- Mandamus -- Declarations -- Quo Warranto -- Damages -- First school of thought -- The second school of thought -- Conclusions on damages -- Commissions of inquiry -- Definition -- Purpose of commissions of inquiry -- Appointment of members -- Qualifications of members -- Where to conduct inquiry -- Status of commissions -- Receipt of report by president -- Effect of findings -- Right of appeal - Impact of adverse findings -- Article 94(2) - Article 94(5) -- Judicial review -- Legal representation -- Conclusions -- CHRAJ -- Justification -- Functions of CHRAJ -- Powers of CHRAJ -- Membership -- Conclusions.


Administrative law -- Ghana. Administrative procedure -- Ghana. Judicial review of administrative acts -- Ghana.