Harris, David.

Cases and materials on international law. / David Harris and Sandesh Sivakumaran. - 8th ed. - London: Sweet and Maxwell, 2015. - lxxiv, 924 p. : 25 cm.

Includes index.

Contents: Introduction: International law as ''law'' -- The development of international law -- The sources of international law: Generally -- Custom -- Treaties -- General principles of law -- Judicial decisions -- Writers -- Unilateral acts of states -- General assembly resoloutions -- ''Soft law'' -- Codification and progressive development of international law -- International law and municipal law: Monism and dualism -- Municipal law and international law -- International law and municipal law -- The executive certificate -- Personality: Generally -- States -- Mandated and trust territories -- Other legal persons -- Recognition of states and governments -- The effect of recognition in British courts -- Territory: Title to territory -- Polar regions -- Land boundaries -- Airspace -- Outer space -- Rights in foreign territory -- State jurisdiction: Introductory note -- Civil jurisdiction -- Criminal jurisdiction -- State immunity -- Diplomatic immunity -- The law of the sea: Introductory note -- The territorial sea -- The high seas -- the exclusive economic zone -- The continental shelf -- Maritime boundaries -- The deep sea-bed -- Settlement of disputes -- State responsibility: Introductory note -- The theory of responsibility The treatment of aliens -- Human rights: Introduction -- Action through the united Nations -- Customary international law -- The law of treaties: Introductory note -- General considerations -- The making of treaties -- Observance and application of treaties -- Treaty interpretation -- Third states -- Validity of treaties -- Termination of, suspension of and withdrawal from treaties -- General provisions on the invalidity, termination and suspension of treaties -- Registration of treaties -- The use of force: Introductory note -- The unilateral use of force by states -- Collective measures through the united nations -- Arbitration and judicial settlement of disputes: Introductory note -- Arbitration -- The world court.

