Kludze, A.K.P.

Ghana law of landlord and tenant. / A.K.P. Kludze - Virginia: Kludze Publications, 2017. - li, 579p.: 26 cm.

Includes index.

Contents: Introductory: Historical origins -- Customary law -- The relationship of landlord and tenant: The nature of the relationship -- Lease distinguished from license -- The parties -- Capacity of the parties -- The subject matter of leases -- Tenancy at will -- Tenancy at sufferance -- Statutory tenancy -- Concurrent leases -- Assignment -- Sub-letting -- The contract for a lease: Preliminary matters -- Elements of the contract for a lease -- The consequences of a binding contract -- The note or memorandum -- Contracts for leases requiring writing -- Stamping an agreement for a lease -- Registration of an agreement for a lease -- Part performance -- Remedies for breach of contract for a lease -- The creation of leases: Preliminary -- Historical conspectus -- Leases not requiring writing -- Creation of lease for fixed term -- Leases exceeding three years -- Leases not exceeding three years -- Equitable leases -- The doctrine in Walsh v. Lonsdale -- Periodic tenancies -- Creation of yearly tenancies -- Creation of periodic tenancies for less than a year -- Creation of tenancy at will -- Tenancy at sufferance -- Creation of statutory tenancy -- Creation of a lease of incorporeal hereditaments -- Creation of tenancy by estoppel -- Creation of sub-leases -- Formalities for assignment of leases and reversions -- Attornment -- Leases of stool lands -- Perpetually renewable leases -- The form of lease -- The different parts of a lease -- The statutory precedents -- Precedent of a lease -- Precedent of a sub-lease -- Precedent of assignment of a lease -- Observations on the model precedents -- Stamping -- Registration -- Rescission -- Rectification -- Covenants generally: The nature of a covenant -- Covenants and conditions distinguished -- Covenants and collateral contracts distinguished -- Express covenants -- Implied Covenants at common law -- Covenants implied by statute -- Usual Covenants -- Construction of Covenants -- Privity of contract -- Privity of estate -- Assignment of covenants -- Covenants which run with the land or the reversion: A. Covenants by the tenant -- B. Covenants by the landlord -- Restrictive covenants -- Remedies for breach of covenant -- The obligations of the landlord: Introductory -- Express covenant -- Implied covenant -- The usual covenant of the landlord -- The landlord's covenant -- The right to convey -- Covenant for quiet enjoyment -- Covenant not to derogate from grant -- Warranty for fitness or suitability: a. Express stipulation -- b. Furnished premises -- c. Houses in the course of erection -- The landlord's covenant for repairs -- Covenant for freedom from encumbrances -- Covenant for further assurance -- Production and custody of documents -- Insurance -- Rates and taxes -- validity of the head lease -- Past observance of the head lease -- Future observance of the head lease -- The rights and remedies of the landlord: Modes of enforcing covenants -- Damages for breach of covenant -- Specific performance -- Injunction -- landlord's right to rent and mesne profits -- The landlord's right to forfeiture and re-entry -- Criminal liability of the landlord -- Rights and obligations of the tenant: Introductory -- Express covenants -- Implied covenants -- The usual covenants of the tenant -- The tenant's -- Denial of landlord's title -- The covenant to pay rent -- Rates, taxes and utilities -- The tenant's covenant for repairs -- Waste -- Covenant against alterations and additions -- Fixtures -- Covenant for tenant-like user -- Covenants restrictive of user -- Covenant for residence on the premises -- Nuisance and annoyance -- Illegal and immoral user -- Covenant against assignment and sub-letting -- Covenant to insure -- Covenant to permit repairs to adjoining premises -- Landlord's right to enter to view and to repair -- Sub-lessee's covenant for future observance of head lease -- Covenant to permit repair under head lease -- Assignee's covenant of indemnity -- Option renew -- Emblements -- Fixtures: The nature of a fixture -- The degree of annexation -- The purpose of annexation -- Tenant's or landlord's fixtures -- Removal of fixtures by tenant -- Trade fixtures -- ornamental and domestic fixtures -- Agricultural fixtures -- Removal of fixtures -- Remedies in respect of fixtures -- Rent: The nature of rent -- Kinds of rent -- Implied covenant for rent -- Express covenant for rent -- Time for payment -- Variations in rent -- The continuing liability for rent -- Deductions from rent -- Apportionment of rent -- Enforcement of rent by action -- Forfeiture for non-payment of rent -- Rent card -- Distress for rent -- Rent control: The history of rent control -- The rent control ordinance, 1952 -- The rent act -- Rent officers -- Rent magistrates -- The recoverable rent -- Factors affecting assessment of rent -- The effect of assessment on an existing lease -- The prices and incomes regulations -- Fines and premiums prohibited -- Excessive advance rent -- The military decrees on rent control -- Termination of leases: Introductory -- Frustration -- Effluxion of time -- Operation of a condition -- Determination by notice -- Forfeiture -- Termination by surrender -- Termination by merger -- Termination by death -- Termination by disclaimer -- Dissolution of company -- Statutory restrictions on landlord's right to terminate leases -- Restrictions under the conveyancing decree, 1973 -- No ejection within two years of assessment of rent -- Termination of lease for default of rent -- Termination for breach of obligations of the tenancy -- Termination for nuisance or annoyance -- Termination for illegal or immoral user -- Termination for waste or neglect -- Termination of lease upon tenant's notice to quit -- Premises required by landlord for personal occupation -- Recovery of premises previously occupied by landlord -- Premises required by landlord for his business -- Premises required for remodelling, etc. -- Recovery of possession on cessation of employment.

