Lodish, Harvey.

Molecular cell biology. / - 6th .ed. - New York; W.H.Freeman and company, 2008. - xxxvii, 1150p. : ill. :, 24cm.

Includes glossary and index.

Contents: Part 1: Chemical and molecular foundations: 1. Life begins with cells -- 2. Chemicals foundations -- 3.Protein structure and function -- Part 2: Genetics and molecuar biology: 4. Basic molecular genetic mechanisms -- 5. Molecular genetic techniques -- 6. Genes, genomics, and chromosomes -- 7. Transcriptional control of gene expression -- 8. Post-transcriptional gene control -- Part 3: Cell structure and function: 9. Visualizing, fractionating, and culturing cells -- 10. Biomembrane structure -- 11. Transmembrane transport of ions and small molecules -- 12. Cells energetics -- 13. Moving protein into membranes and organelles -- 14. Vesicular traffic, secretion, and endocytosis -- 15. Cell signaling1: signal transduction and short-term cellular responses -- 16. Cell signaling 2: signaling pathways that control gene activity -- 17. Cell organization and movement 1: microfilaments -- 18. Cell organization and movement 2: microtubules and intermediate filaments -- 19. Integrating cells into tissues -- Part 4: Cell growth and development: -- 20. Regulation the eukaryotic cell cycle -- 21. Cell birth, lineage, and death -- 22. The molecular cell biology of development -- 23. Nerve cells -- 24. Immunology -- 25. Cancer. Contents: Part 1: Chemical and molecular foundations: 1. Life begins with cells -- 2. Chemical foundations -- 3. Protein structure and function -- Part 2: Genetics and molecular biology: 4. Basic molecuar genetic mechanisms -- 5. Molecular genetic techniques -- 6. Genes, genomics, and chromosomes

