Adjei, Dennis Dominic.

Contemporary criminal law in Ghana. / Dennis Dominic Adjei. - Accra : G-Pak Limited, 2017. - xxx, 620p. : 26cm

Includes index.

Comtents: Part 1:Preliminaries: Criminal offences in Ghana generally -- Sources of criminal law and the criminal jurisdiction of the courts -- Courts with criminal jurisdiction, venue for criminal proceedings and place of enquiry -- General explanation -- Inchoate offences in Ghana -- General exemptions to criminal offences -- Justifiable force and harm -- Part 2: Offences with force/ violence and sexual offences: Murder and similar offences -- Murder and similar offences - part two -- Murder and similar offences - part three -- Human trafficking -- Domestic violence act and offences under the childrens' act -- Part 3: Offences against rights of property: Offences against rights of property - part one -- Offences against rights of property -part two -- Part 4: Offences against public order, health and morality: Offences against public order, health and morality -- Bigamy and similar offences; offences against public morals -- Offences against public order and economic dishonesty -- Money laundering -- Narcotic Drugs (control, enforcement and sanctions) Act 1990 (PNDCL 236) -- Part 5: Offences relating to public officers and to public elections and referendum -- Part 6: Offences relating to animals: Miscellaneous Offences, Wild Animals, Birds and Fishes -- Part 7: Road Traffic Offences.

