Panno, Joseph.

Gene Therapy: Treating disease by repairing genes. / Joseph Pano. - New York: Fact On File, 2005. - xvii, 172p.: ills.; 23cm.

Includes Index.

Contents: Genetic Disorders: Immune Deficiencies -- Breast Cancer -- Colon Cancer -- Melanoma -- Cystic Fibrosis -- Hemophilia -- Liver Disease -- Cardiovascular Disease -- Muscular Dystrophy -- Alzheimer's Disease -- Parkinson's Disease -- Huntington's Disease -- Viruses: The Cornerstone of Gene Therapy: Viruses are Living Crystals Viral Genomes May be RNA or DNA -- Viruses Evolved from Plasmids -- Viruses know how to Infect Cells -- The Viruses as a Gene Vehicle -- Viruses Used in Gene Therapy -- Ashi Desilva: A Promising Start -- Clinical Trials Defined -- Cells of the Immune System -- Adenosine Deaminase(ADA) -- Preliminary Research -- Clinical Procedure for ADA Gene Therapy -- Jesse Gelsinger:Down To Earth: Ornithine Transcarbamylase(OTC) -- Preliminary Research -- Clinical Procedure for OTC Gene Therapy -- The Gelsinger Clinical Trial -- The Investigation -- Conclusion Remarks -- Future Prospects: Safer Vehicles -- Reduction Immune Rejection of the Vector -- Improved Risk Assessment -- Redesigning Human Anatomy and Physiology -- Ethics of Gene Therapy -- The Belmont Report -- Clinical Trials -- Physiological Enhancement -- Cosmetic Applications -- Legal Issues: Rgulatory Agencies -- The Gelsinger Legal Trial -- International Regulation -- Resource Center -- Eukaryoke Cell Primer -- Recombinant DNA primer -- The Human Genome Project -- X- Linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID-X1) Alzheimer,s Disease(AD) -- Huntingdon's Disease(HD).

