Price, J.P.

The English legal system. / J.P. Price - Plymouth: Macdonald and Evans, c1975. - xii, 148p. 18cm.

includes index

Contents: Introduction: personality, status and capacity legal personality; status; capacity -- The Legal profession, legal aid and county courts voluntary agencies; solicitors and legal executives, legal advice and assistance; legal aid for civil proceedings; county Courts; Barristers; law officers -- The High Court: Introduction; organisation; writ of summons; pleadings; summary judgement; close of pleadings; trial; judgement; remedies -- Civil appeal Courts, the European Court of justice and other courts, Court of appeal; leapfrog; house of lords; costs; European Court of justice; other Courts -- Arrest, search and Police powers: arrestable offences; other arrests without a warrant; arrest with a warrant; mode of arrest; detention; search; protection of the citizen police; prosecutions -- --Criminal Courts: magistrates; preliminaries; offences; the Crown Court; the jury; evidence; sentencing; divisional Court of Queen's bench; Court of appeal; criminal division; house of Lords; costs; reparation; legal aid in criminal proceedings -- Sources of law: caselaw, introduction to caselaw; precedents; ratio decidendi; obiter dictum; hierarchy of Courts; other Courts -- Sources of law: Statute law: introduction; interpretation -- Law reforms: introduction; Lawyers and Courts; legislation; the constitution; criminal proceedings -- Appendixes: I Examination technique; II Test papers.

