Bennett, Roger

Corporate strategy / Roger Bennett - 2nd - Harlow: Prentice Hall; 1999. - xiv, 402 p. ill, 24cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Contents: Part one: Business strategy -- The Nature of strategic management : Fundementals -- Origins and deveploment of strategic management -- Objectives : Nature of objectives -- Mission statements -- Strategic objectives -- Management by objectives --Strategy formulation : The Process and the players -- Growth and acquisition strategies -- Divestment and turnaround strategies -- Portfolio anaysis -- Competitive strategy-- Forecasting: Nature and purpose of forecasting -- Techniques of forecasting -- Limitations of forecasting -- Management audits and environmental scanning : Management audits -- External environments -- Change, chaos and the learning organisation : The Challenge of change -- Restructuring organisations and processes -- Chaos and the learning organisation -- Culture -- Strategy and structure : Impact of strategy on structure -- Factors influencing the design of organizations -- Issues in organisational design -- Approaches to organisation structure -- Ethical considersations : Ethics, business and society -- Social responsibility -- Current issues in business ethics and social responsibility -- Part Two: Functional strategies: Marketing startegy : The Elements of maketing -- Product strategies -- Pricing strategies -- Distribution strategies -- Promotional strategies -- Customer-focused strategies -- Finanical strategy : Fundamentals -- Financing the business -- Short- and long-termism -- Human resources strategy : The Central role of HRM -- The Four Cs model of human resource management -- Employee relations strategies -- Downsizing -- Recent developments in human resources mangement -- Management development -- Information technology strategy: The Business advantages of IT strategy -- Human resources aspects -- Selection of systems -- Organisational aspects -- Strategic management and the mangement information system -- Manufacturing strategy: Nature of manufacturing strategy -- Production -- Flexible manufacturing -- Research and technical development -- Procurement -- Factory location -- Contract manufacturing, licensing and the protection of intellectual property -- Total quality management -- Environmental strategy : The Economic and social costs -- Assessing company policies -- Green marketing -- EU interventions -- Strategies for the internationlisation of operations: Choices and benefits -- Market entry -- Part Three: Planning and control -- Corporate planning : Planning and strategy -- Planning systems -- Techniques of planning : Measures of company potential -- Measures of company performance -- Network methods -- Other practical planning methods -- Quantitative planning models -- Uncertainty -- Top- down versus bottom-up planning -- Operational planning: Production and operations management -- Finanical planning -- Human resources planning -- Marketing plans -- Management control : Scope and methods -- Budgeting.


Strategic planning
Strategic management
