Koutsoyiannis, A.

Mordern microeconomics. / - New York: Palgrave Macmillian, 2002. - 581p.: ill., 23cm

Contents:Introduction -- Theory of demand -- Theory of production -- Theory of cost --Theory of the firm -- Section A: Perfect competition,monopoly,monopolistic competition: Perfect competition -- Monopoly -- Price discrimination -- Monopolistic competition -- Non-Collusive oligopoly -- Collusive oligopoly -- Average cost pricing: A Critique of the neoclassical theory of the firm:The marginalist controversy -- A Representative model of average-cost pricing -- Limit -- Section D: -- Limit -pricing (Or Entry-Preventing Pricing) -- Bains limit-pricing theory -- Recent developments in the theory of limit- pricing -- Section E: -- Managerial theories or the firm: -- Baumol,s theory of sales revenue maximization -- Marris,s model of the managerial enterprise -- Williamson,s model of managerial discretion -- Section F:Behavioral theory or the firm: -- The Behavioral model of Cyert and March -- Section G: --Theory of games linear programming: Theory of games -- Linear programming -- Factor pricing general equilibrium theory welfare economics: Pricing of factors of production and income distribution -- General equilibrium theory -- Welfare economics -- Concluding remarks.

