Richardson, John E.

Marketing: 04/05: annual editions. / John E. Richardson - U.S.A: McGraw - Hill: 2004. - xvi, 223 p.: ill.; 26cm.

Includes index and glossary.

Contents: Marketing in the 2000s and beyond: Changing perspectives: The next 25 years -- High performance marketing -- Marketing high technology: Preparation, targeting, positioning, execution -- The Customer profitability conundrum: When to love 'Em or leave 'Em -- Entreprenuers' biggest problems-and how they solve them -- The Marketing concept: Marketing myopia (with retrospective commentary) -- Why customer satisfaction starts with HR -- Start with customer -- What drives customer equity? -- Services and social marketing: Services communications: From mindless tangibilization to meaningful messages -- Why service stinks -- Marketing ethics and social responsibility: Trust in the marketplace -- Research. markets and consumer behavior: Market research: A Different approach for developing new products or services -- Product by design -- Surviving innovation -- Markets and demographics: A Beginner's guide to dermographics -- Defining luxury: Oh, the good life -- Emailing aging boomers vs. ''seniors'' -- Race, ethnicity and the way we shop -- Asian-American consumers as a unique market segment: fact or fallacy -- Consumer behavior: Defining moments: Segmenting by cohorts -- What are your customers saying -- Tough love -- Developing and implementing marketing strategies: The Very model of a modern marketing plan: Product of the purple cow -- Have it your way -- The Hole story: How Krispy Kreme became the hottest brand in America -- Pricing: Kamikaz pricing -- Which price is right -- Most valuable players -- Distribution: The Old pillars of new retailing -- When worlds collide -- Top stores put to the test -- Promotion: Tips for distguishing your Ads from bad Ads -- Living up and down the dial -- Counting eyes on billboards -- Global marketing: Segmenting global markets: Look before you leap -- International marketing research: A Management briefing -- Small packets, big business -- Time for marketers to grow up -- Cracking China's market -- The Lure of global branding -- Appendix I: Industry/company guide.


