Barbe, Walter B.

Spelling connections: words into language. / Walter Barbe B. - Zame-Bloser, 1988. - 238 p.: 20cm.

Contents: Vowels /ā /, /ē/ -- Vowels / ī /, /ō/ -- Vowels /oo/, /yoo/ -- Vowel /ô/ -- Vowels /ă/, /ē/, /ĭ/, /ŏ/,/ŭ/ -- Review -- Consonants /sh/, /ch/ -- Final /əl/ -- Final /ən/,/ər/ -- r-controled vowel /ur/ -- r-contrlled vowels /âr/, /är/ -- Review -- r-controlled vowels /ôr/, /îr/ -- Vowel diphthongs /oi/, /ou/ -- Prefixes pre, re, post, co -- Suffixes er, est, ed, ing -- Consonants /s/, /k/ -- Review State names and abbreviations -- Prefixes dis,in,im,non,un -- Ending en,ize -- Compound words -- Review -- Sufixes or, er,ist -- Prefixes bi,mid,semi,tri -- Consonants /j/ -- Suffixes ty,ity,ness,ment,ive -- Review -- Commonly misspelled words -- Suffixes ous,ish,ant ic -- Synonyms and antonyms -- Words from other languages -- Abbreviations -- Review -- Challenge words and activities -- Your spelling dictionary.

