How to design and evaluate research in education. /
Jack R. Fraenkel
- 4
- Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2000.
- xx,684 p: ill.; 24cm.
Contents: Introduction to research -- The Nature of educational research -- The Basics of educational Besearch -- The Research problem -- Ethnics and hypotheses -- Reviewing the literature -- Sampling -- Instrumentation -- Validity and reliability -- Internal validity -- Descriptive statistics -- statistics in perspective -- Research methodology -- Experimental research -- Single-subject research -- Correlation research -- Casual-comperative research -- Research methodologies -- Content anaysis research -- Qualitative research I -- Qualitative research II -- Historistcal research -- Preparing research proposals and reports -- Writing research proposals and reports -- Research by practitioners -- Doing research in schools -- Appendix A: Table of random numbers -- Appendix B: Normal curve table -- Appendix C: Chi-square distribution -- Appendix D: Illustration of statistical procedures.