Katsh, Ethan M.

Taking sides: clashing views on controversial legal issues. / Ethan M. Katsh - 7 - United States of America: McGraw-Hill, 1997. - xvii, 380 p.: 24cm.

Contents: The Operation of legal institutions -- Should lawyers be prohibited from presenting a false case? -- Does mediation in divorce cases hurt women -- Should plea bargaining be abolished -- Are term limits for elected officials unconstitutional? -- Law and social values : Is Drug use testing of students athletes permitted under the fourth amendment? -- Is Hate speech fully protected by the the constitution? -- Is Flag burning protected by the first amendment? -- Are school districts created for religious reasons a violation of the constitution? -- Is Abortion protected by the constitution? -- Is the regulation of pornography on the internet unconstitutional? -- Should affirmative action policies be continued? -- Are restrictions on physician-assisted suicide unconstitutional? -- Are laws restricting gay rights legislation unconstitutional? -- Law and crime: Should the death penalty be abolished? -- Should the exclusionary rule be abolished? -- Will waiting periods control gun purchases? -- Should the insanity defense be abolished? -- Should drug use be legalised?

