Introduction to genetic analysis / Anthony J. F.Griffiths - 10th ed - New York W.H.Freeman and Company 2012 - xxiii, 832 p ills, index

Contents The genetics revolution in the life sciences -- Single-gene inheritance -- Independent assortment of genes -- Mapping eukaryote chromosomes by recombination -- The genetics of bacteria and their viruses -- Gene interaction -- DNA: structure and replication -- RNA: Transcription and processing -- Proteins and their synthesis -- Gene isolation and manipulation -- Regulation of gene expression in bacteria and their viruses -- Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes -- The genetic control of development -- Genomes and genomics -- The dynamic genome: transportable elements -- Mutation, repair, and recombination -- Large-scale chromosomal changes -- Population genetics -- The inheritance of complex traits -- Evolution of genes and traits

9781429229432 1429229438

Transmission genetics
From DNA to phenotype
Mutation, Variation and Evolution
