Kennedy, Carol.

Guide to the management gurus: shortcuts to the ideas of leading management thinkers. / Carol Kennedy. - London: Century Business , 1991. - xviii, 174 p. ; 22 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

Contents: Action-oriented leadership: how task, team and individual overlap -- The theory and practice of strategic planning -- Developing individual potential within the organization -- Managing the values of the organization -- Managers do things right. leaders do the right thing -- Lateral thinking: 'the generation of new ideas and the escape from old ones -- Structure follows strategy in organizations -- The key to quality: reducing variation -- Primary tasks for effective managers -- Five foundation stones of modern management -- The future of work and organizations -- 'Motivation' and 'maintenance' factors in job satisfaction -- Management by objectives as a practical methodology -- Psychological and social factors in group behaviour -- Company-wide quality cannot be delegated -- The 'post-entrepreneurial' corporation: empowering individuals as a force for change -- Marketing as a key to successful business management -- How leadership styles link with business performance -- Theory X and Theory Y: authoritarian vs participative management -- The 'hierarchy of needs' in motivation -- Human relations in industry and respect for individuals -- How strategy is made and how managers use their time -- Lessons from Japanese global business strategy -- The creative use of conflict in organizations -- The 'excellence' cult and prescriptions for managing chaotic change -- Strategies for competitive change, both national and international -- Managers educating each other through 'Action Learning' -- The 'Psychological contract' between employer and employed -- Each function in a business should be a 'customer' of the next in the chain -- 'Small is beautiful': the human scale against corporate 'giantism' -- Developed the key to principle of decentralization for big corporations -- The science of work and 'functional management' -- How individuals respond to authority in organizations --



Industrial management.
