Carpenito, Lynda Juall.

Handbook of nursing diagnosis. / Nursing diagnosis Lynda Juall Carpenito. - 5th ed. - Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1993. - xl, 513 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.

Includes index.

Contents: Nursing diagnoses: Activity intolerance -- Adjustment, impaired -- Anxiety -- Body temperature, high risk for altered -- Breastfeeding, effective -- Breastfeeding, ineffective -- Breastfeeding, interrupted -- Cardiac output, altered: deceased -- Caregiver role strain -- Altered comfort -- Communication, impaired -- Coping, ineffective individual -- Family coping: potential for growth -- Ineffective family coping: compromised -- Ineffective family coping: disabling -- Decisional conflict -- Disuse syndrome -- Diversional activity deficit -- Dysreflexia -- Family processes, altered -- Fatigue -- Fear -- Fluid volume deficit -- Fluid volume excess -- Grieving -- Growth and development, altered -- Health maintenance, altered -- Health-seeking behaviors -- Home maintenance management, impaired -- Hopelessness -- Infection, high risk for -- Injury, high risk for -- Knowledge deficit -- Managemnt of therapeutic regimen, ineffectve -- Mobility, impaired physical -- Neurovascular dysfunction, high risk for peripheral -- Noncompliance -- Nutrition, altered: less than body requirements -- Nutrition, altered: potential for more than body requirements -- Parenting, altered -- Post-trauma response -- Powerlessness -- Protection, altered -- Tissue integrity, impaired -- Relocation stress (syndrome) -- Respiratory function, high risk for altered -- Role performance, altered -- Self-care deficit syndrome -- Self-concept disturbance -- High risk for self-harm -- Sensory-perceptual alteration -- Sexuality patterns, altered -- Sleep pattern disturbance -- Social interaction, impaired -- Social isolation -- Spiritual distress -- Thought processes, altered -- Tissue perfusion, altered -- Unilateral neglect -- Urinary elimination, altered patterns of -- Violence, high risk of -- Diagnostic clusters:medical conditions: cardiovascular/hematological/peripheral vascular disorders -- Hematological conditions -- Peripheral vascular conditions -- Respiratory disorders -- Metabolic/endocrine disorders -- Gastrointestinal disorders -- Renal/urinary tract disorders -- Neurological disorders -- Sensory disorders -- Integumentary disorders -- Musculoskeletal/connective tissue disorders -- Infectious/immunodeficient disorders -- Neoplastic disorders -- Surgical procedures -- Obstetrical/gynecological conditions -- Neonatal conditions -- Pediatric/adolescent disorders -- Mental health disorders -- Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures --



Nursing diagnosis--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Nursing Diagnosis--handbooks.



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